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We offer you a period of 14 days from receipt of your order to undertake a return of your item.
In order to support your return request, please send us your order number by email within 14 days of receiving your item.
Please note that to be eligible for a return, returned items must be in original salable condition (unworn and unused with all original packaging and labels) . If your order meets its criteria, you can request a return for a full refund issued to your original payment method. Initial shipping costs will not be refunded.
Upon receipt of your return, allow 1 to 5 business days for the refund to be processed and issued. An email confirmation will be sent to you at that time. Allow 5 working days for your refund to appear on your bank statement.
Items on sale or on promotion
When purchasing items during sales or promotions, please note that these purchases are considered final. They will not be subject to refund or exchange.
Defective or damaged items
Each item is carefully checked before shipping to ensure only the highest quality products reach you. If you discover defective item, please contact us by email quoting your order number and details. Your request will be handled quickly and with the greatest care.
Wrong order
For incorrect or damaged orders, please contact us by email with your order number and details. We will process your request as soon as possible, and we will take the necessary steps to resolve the situation.
Return address
MALE - 23 avenue Jean Jaurès - 95330 Domont